RethinkDB to Power BI Reports Generation

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In this page, I'll explain "How to generate PowerBI Report using Rethink DB". Here i am considering two ways
1. Using Azure
2. On premises resources


  • ReThinkDB
  • Azure Blob Storage, Data factory,SQL
  • PowerBI Reports
  • SSIS

First we need to understand what is RinkThinkDB? 

ReThinkDB is a open source & scalable database. This will store the records in JSON format with no required schema or table structure. It was designed specifically to push data to applications in realtime. It was founded in 2009 came out of YCombinator and is relatively new player on the data storage scene. The database itself has been available for a little over a year now and it is still undergoing heavy development. To know more details on ReThinkDB, click here

What makes RethinkDB great:
-It is an open-source database
-It is easily scalable, mostly using horizontal scaling
-It support diffrent programming languages such as Ruby, Python, Java, and javascript/ Node.js.
-It is used to feed real-time data into the applications.

First diagram using Azure resources.

  • First establish connection to Rethink database
  • After sucessfully connected,create a schedular which will export RethinkDb json documents to Azure Blob storage in a regular intervals of time.
  • Use Azure data factory to read json documents from azure blob storage and save JSON documents details to Azure SQL tables in one table or multiple tables.
  • Use PowerBI tools and generate reports using sql queries.
Second diagram using on-premises resource
  • First Connect to Rethink Db.
  • After sucessfully establishing the connection, export RethinkDb json documents to shared drive using schedular.
  • Use SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) ETL tool to read data from the json file and save these JSON documents data to multiple SQL tables.
  • Use PowerBI and generate reports using SQL queries.

Disadvantages of RethinkDB:
- Primary keys are limited in RethinkDB. Its arround 127 characters.
- If require full ACID support, RethinkDB is not a good choice, choose alternative like sql.
- RethinkDB also has some memory limitation
- Utilization of memory is high because each table required a minimum of 10 MB disk space.
- Storing more than 16mb json document cause performance issue.
- In RethinkDB there are no user accounts, so we must create our own authentication and user accounts.
- The maximum size of a JSON query is 64mb.
- Automatic failover requires a majority of servers for a table to be available, it requires a minimum of three servers to be involved.

When is RethinkDB a good choice?
- RethinkDB is a good choice when your applications could benefit from realtime feeds to data.
- If you are looking for a new take on query languages to get up and running quick in some kind of PoC or minor project – it’s fantastic.
Note: You can use either Task scheduler or windows service as a job to export data from RethinkDb to Azure blob storage or to a shared drive. You need to set cron expression for the job. To know more details on cron expression , click here
