Sample Chatbot flow diagram

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 In this page , I'll explain the sample chatbot flow diagram. Before we need to know the advantages of ChatBot:
1. Chatbots are available 24/7 to help customers.
2. Chatbots does not required human interaction so it eliminate the operation cost and hence companies saves the cost
3. Chatbot are improves the customers/users satisfaction.
4. Chatbot are easily embabed with web applications, Microsoft teams, skype etc
5. Based on user questions , we can train our bot rapidly.
6. Chatbot are low maintenance cost.
7. Chatbot is artificial intelligence based so able to manage multiple users at a time
8. Chatbot will give immediate response for the user questions, no further delay happen.
9. You can also build your own bots from scratch in any language.
10. Another good advantage is chatbots never get tired or ill.

Below diagram, developer can easily build their chatbot application flow. 

  • Your chatbot may give a first impression of your company, so when ever user is landing on your chatbot application, first you need to display welcome/greeting message like
    - Hello! Welcome to chatbot, can you tell me exactly what you're looking for?
    - Hi, thanks for your visit, can we help you in any way?
    - Hello! Welcome to (your company name), and thanks for visiting. How can I help you today?
  • Next user will ask the question to bot and bot will fetch the answer from the knowledge base (Databse, docs, sharepoint etc) and provide the nearest answer to the user. 
  • Your users are the true referee of your chatbot’s performance. Design a chatbot template to include feedback from users. so once bot responded with answers immediately bot provides the feedback button with Yes & No option. This feedback will help whether user is satisfied with bot response or not.
  • When user click on Yes , bot allow to ask new question
  • When user click on No button, prompt a dialog button which is related your company/domain topics  like Employees, Department, Student, healthcare, finance etc
  • For better user-friendly again we will provide one round of above steps this will help yours ask the questions again.
  • Next select a a topic from above button lists
  • Use this topic and query from your knowledge base by topic.
  •  Again  we will provide feedback button with Yes & No option.
  • When user click on Yes button, bot allow to ask new question to user
  • When user click on No button, post these questions in SharePoint or other places.
  •  QA team is validating the users unsatisfied questions and again training these questions in knowledge base. 
  • This will help your bot is up to date with correct answers and users will get accurate answers. 
  • Finally log all users questions and bot answers in somewhere like application insights, comosdb etc
  • By using above logging we can generate reports like bot many users using our applications , how many questions answred by bot etc
  • And finally a clear end to the conversation shoul be required like
    - Thanks for showing interest, you can either leave/close the chatbox or tap on 'End Session'.
    - It was nice chatting with you. Just text me if you need something!
    - You’re all set. Thank you for your time. Goodbye
Consider below key points while developing the your chatbot application
-Why are you building the bot and how does it fit with your company’s goals
- How your bot useful to customers?
- What type of chatbot trying to develop like simple bot, voice based, conversational chatbot, Booking/order confirmation bot, Sales bot etc
- Where you deploying the bot like in Browser, Teams , Facebook, Whats app etc
- What is your knowledge base?
- How frequently your knowledge base is updating?
- Which technology using for chatbot development?
- Clarity of chatbot goals?
- How you handing errors in Bot?
- How many users using bot?
- Calculate your bot perfomance?
- Where you saving bot logs?
- Is Authentaction required for your bot application?
- Create a detailed chatbot roadmap and project requirements before coding starts.
- Discuss time and budget estimates of the chatbot development
- What if bot doesn’t understand the user question? What will the chatbot answer?
- Maintain Standard intents in your bot application
- A good UX design required your Bot
